
Publication of the TRIMAN decree – additional information on ‘sorting info’

18-08-2022 Latest update: Click here to read the updated version of the CITEO guide and click here for the Re-Fashion guide

04-04-2022 Update Responsibilities for Modint members under the French AGEC law (EPR and Triman logo).

12-08-2021 - The implementing decree (No. 2021-835) which sets the new requirement for accompanying the Triman logo with sorting instructions for products subject under an EPR system in France was published on June 29, 2021.

This sorting instructions will inform consumers how to sort or dispose of the product’s waste. This information will be developed by the French textile industry’s household linen and footwear sector eco-organization: Re_fashion.

Entry into force: 
According to the law, the text comes into force the day after its publication (June 30 2021) end e requirement by January 1st 2022. However, the decree also provides a more flexible timetable for more smooth implementation:

  • Before September 30, 2021: the Refashion eco-organization sends a draft for information on sorting rules to the ministry;
  • Before November 30, 2021: the ministry validates the information on sorting rules; If it isn’t approved, a period of 1 month will be granted to the eco-organization to take the ministers’ observations into account.
  • Producers will have 1 year (i.e. until November 30), 2022, to affix the Triman and the sorting-info.
  • Products manufactured or imported before November 30, 2022 may be sold until May 30, 2023.

Modint will update you as soon as more information is available. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Click here to read our previous article on use of the mandatory TRIMAN logo.
